Forks Tech

Forking Around Part 2 – Wound Up Composites

Amid my despair, I occasionally stumble across a bright spot in my search for fork specs. In general, it seems that it’s easier to find details on road forks than it is for suspension forks and, to be honest, this is one of the reasons that I like designing road frames. It’s somewhat easier to get it right without involving any forking guesswork. And it can’t get any easier than reading the specs off of a PDF file.

Here’s one of my favourite fork manufacturers, Wound Up Composites. They produce a very cool line of forks which, I think work really well with steel and titanium frames. They’re incredibly tough and lightweight, too. A bonus, even though they may not be as cheap as some other options.

Find a full list of specifications for their different fork models here.

Well that was easy…

About mjmazur

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