Fork U

Fork University, that is. When I’m talking to people about designing a new bike, I always stress the importance of choosing a fork (and tires, for that matter) early in the process. Although it may not seem like a big deal, subtle differences in fork geometry can turn a stable ride into a twitchy nightmare. To…

Geometry 101 – Angles and more

The clearance post showed how bottom bracket drop and crank arm length are directly related to safety on the track. Here, I’ll talk a bit about angles and how they impact ride quality and safety. Bike shops today are filled with a near limitless selection of bicycles which can make it difficult to choose your…

Geometry 101 – Clearance

I just came back from watching some club races at the new mini-velodrome at HĂ„landsmarka, Norway. The asphalt track, which is short (125m?) with moderate banks, attracted quite a number of young riders on their road bikes. In fact, no one was riding a track bike. This made things ‘interesting’ and made me think that…